The document numbers in the right hand column represent the document numbers assigned to the documents by the Law Practice of Abraham Lincoln website.
State of Illinois, Vermillion County} SS
Daniel Morgan comes and on his oath complains against one Walter
Bosley and says that a criminal offense has been committed at the County of
Vermillion in the State of Illinois on the seventh day of August 1854 and
says that a criminal offense has been committed by shooting one Egbert
Barnett and that the said Daniel Morgan has just reason to believe that
Walter Bosley has committed the same and he the said Daniel Morgan prays that
a warrant may issue against the said Walter Bosley
Daniel Morgan
Subscribed and Sworn to before me this 7th day of August AD 1854
J.D. Purkins, JP {LS}
State of Illinois Vermillion County
The People of the State of Illinois to Thomas Cox you are hereby authorized
to execute the within given under my had and seal this 7th day of August 1854
J.D. Purkins JP {Seal}
State of Illinois, Vermillion County}JJ
The People of the State of Illinois to all Sheriffs Coroners and
Constables of said State Greeting
Whereas Daniel Morgan has made complaint before me J.D. Purkins one
of the Justices of the Peace within and for Said County against Walter Bosley
in the words and figures set forth in the aforegoing complaint by the said
Daniel Morgan Subscribed and sworn to on this 7th Day of August 1854 You are
therefore hereby commanded in the name and by the authority of the Said
People to arrest the Said Walter Bosley and bring him before me or some other
Justice of the Said County to answer said complaint and be dealt with
according to law
Given under my hand and Seal this 7th day of August 1854
J.D. Purkins JP {LS}
State of Illinois, Vermillion County}
The People of the State of Illinois To the Sheriff or Jailor of Said
County Greeting
Whereas Walter Bosley has this day been examined before the
undersigned one of the Justices of the Peace within and for Said County on a
charge of willful murder and having been considered guilty of said charge you
are therefore hereby commanded in the name and by the authority of the said
People to receive the said Walter Bosley and safely keep him
Given under my hand and seal this 15th day of August AD 1854
J.D. Purkins JP {Seal}
The People of the State of Illinois vs Walter Bosley} Murder
This day came the People by their attorney and the said defendant in
his own proper person who being arraigned for plea saith he is not guilty in
manner and form as charged in the Indictment and on his motion it is ordered
by the court that this cause be continued to the next term of court.
Of the October Term of the Vermillion Circuit Court: In the year of
our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Fifty Four
State of Illinois, Vermillion County} SS
The Grand Jurors chose selected and sworn in and for the County of
Vermillion in the name and by the authority of the people of the State of
Illinois upon their oaths present that Walter Bosley in the County of
Vermillion not having the fear of God before his eyes but being moved and
seduced by the instigation of the Devil on the Seventh day of August in the
year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Fifty Four with force and
arms at the County and State aforesaid in and upon one Egbert Barnett in the
peace of the people then and there being feloniously willfully and of his
malice aforethought did make an assault and that the said Walter Bosley a
certain Rifle Gun of the value of Ten Dollars then and there loaded and
charged with gunpowder and one leaden bullet which Rifle Gun he the said
Walter Bosley in his right hand then and there had and held to and against
and upon the said Egbert Barnett then and there feloniously willfully and of
his malice aforethought did shoot and discharge and that the said Walter
Bosley with the leaden bullet aforesaid out of the Rifle Gun aforesaid then
and there by force of the gunpowder shot and sent forth as aforesaid out of
the Rifle Gun aforesaid then and there by force of the gunpowder shot and
sent forth as aforesaid the said Egbert Barnett in and upon the back of him the
said Egbert Barnett a little to the left of the back bone and a little below
the left shoulder blade then and there feloniously willfully and of his
malice aforethought did strike penetrate and wound given to the said Egbert
Barnett then and there with the leaden bullet aforesaid so as aforesaid shot
discharged and sent forth out of the Rifle gun aforesaid by the said Walter
Bosley in and upon the back of him the said Egbert Barnett a little to the
left from the back bone and a little below the left shoulder blade of him the
said Egbert Barnett one mortal wound of the breadth of one inch and of the
depth of six inches of which said mortal wound the said Egbert Barnett on the
said seventh day of August in the year aforesaid until the Eleventh day of
the same month of August in the year aforesaid in the County aforesaid did
languish and languishing did live on which said Eleventh day of August in the
year aforesaid the said Egbert Barnett in the County aforesaid of the said
mortal wound died and so the Jurors aforesaid upon their oaths aforesaid do
say that the said Walter Bosley the said Egbert Burnett in manner and form
aforesaid did kill and murder contrary to the form of the statute in such
cases made and provided and against the peace and dignity of the same People
of the State of Illinois
And the Grand Jurors aforesaid upon their oaths aforesaid in the
name and by the authority aforesaid do further present that Walter Bosley in
the County of Vermillion and the State of Illinois not having the fear of God
before his eyes but being moved and seduced by the instigation of the Devil
on the seventh day of August in the year of our Lord Eighteen Hundred and
Fifty Four with force and arms in the County aforesaid in and upon one Egbert
Barnett in the peace of the people then and there being feloniously willfully
and of his malice aforethought did make an assault and that the said Walter
Bosley a certain Rifle Gun of the Value of Ten Dollars then and there loaded
and charged with gunpowder and one leaden bullet which Rifle Gun the said
Walter Bosley in his right hand then and there had and held against and upon
the said Egbert Barnett then and there feloniously willfully and of his
malice aforethought did shoot and discharge and that the said Walter Bosley
with the leaden bullet aforesaid out of the Rifle gun aforesaid then and
there by force of the gunpowder shot and sent forth as aforesaid the said
Egbert Barnett in and upon the left side of the back of him the said Egbert
Barnett and a little below the left shoulder blade of him the said Egbert
Barnett then and there feloniously willfully and of his malice aforethought
did strike penetrate and wound giving to the said Egbert Barnett then and
there with the leaden bullet aforesaid so as aforesaid shot sent forth and discharged
out of the Rifle gun aforesaid by the said Walter Bosley in and upon the left
side of the back of him the said Egbert Barnett a little below the left
shoulder blade of him the said Egbert Barnett one mortal wound of the breadth
of one inch and of the depth of six inches of which said mortal wound the
said Egbert Barnett from the said seventh day of August in the year aforesaid
until the Eleventh day of August in the year aforesaid did languish and
languishing did live on which said Eleventh day of August in the year
aforesaid the said Egbert Barnett in the County aforesaid of the said wound
died and so the Jurors aforesaid upon their oaths aforesaid do say that the
said Walter Bosley the said Egbert Barnett in manner and form aforesaid
feloniously willfully and of his malice aforethought did kill and murder
contrary to the form of the statute in such cases made and provided and
against the peace and dignity of the same people of the State of Illinois
And the Grand Jurors aforesaid upon their Oaths aforesaid in the
name and by the authority aforesaid upon their oaths present that Walter
Bosley in the County aforesaid not having the fear of God before his eyes but
being moved and seduced by the instigation of the Devil on the Seventh day of
August in the year of our Lord Eighteen Hundred and Fifty Four with force and
arms in the County aforesaid in and upon one Egbert Barnett in the peace of
the people then and there being feloniously willfully and of his malice
aforethought did make an assault and that the said Walter Bosley a certain
Rifle gun of the value of Ten Dollars then and there loaded and charged with
gunpowder and one leaden bullet which Rifle gun he the said Walter Bosley in
both his hands then and there had and held to against and upon the said
Egbert Barnett then and there feloniously willfully and of his malice
aforethought did shoot and discharge and that the said Walter Bosley with the
leaden bullet aforesaid out of the Rifle gun aforesaid then and there by
force of gunpowder shot and sent forth as aforesaid the said Egbert Barnett
in and upon the right side of the back of him the said Egbert Barnett a
little below the right shoulder blade of him the said Egbert Barnett then and
there feloniously willfully and of his malice aforethought did strike
penetrate and wound giving to the said Egbert Barnett then and there with the
leaden bullet aforesaid so as aforesaid shot discharged and sent forth out of
the Rifle gun aforesaid by the said Walter Bosley in and upon the right side
of the back of him the said Egbert Barnett a little below the right shoulder
blade of him the said Egbert Barnett one mortal would of the breadth of one
inch and of the depth of six inches of which said mortal wound the said
Egbert Barnett from the said seventh day of August in the year aforesaid
until the fifteenth day of August in the year aforesaid did languish and
languishing did live on which said fifteenth day of August in the year
aforesaid the said Egbert Barnett in the County aforesaid of the said mortal
wound died and so the Jurors aforesaid upon their oaths aforesaid do say that
the said Walter Bosley the said Egbert Barnett in manner and form aforesaid
feloniously willfully and of his malice aforethought did kill and murder
contrary to the form of the statute in such cases made and provided and
against the peace and dignity of the same people of the state of Illinois
[L. Swett] Pros Atty pro tem
Vermillion Circuit Court
People vs Walter Bosley} Indictment for Murder
A True Bill
S. Frazier foreman of the Grand Jury
Witnesses: David Rittenhouse; Robert Barnett; George Gapp; James
Burnett; Nancy Rittenhouse; William [illegible]; A.M.C. Hawes; Thomas Haywood
Filed Nov 1st 1854
Saml Craig, Clk
The People of the State of Illinois vs Walter Bosley} Murder
And now on this day came the states attorney who prosecutes on
behalf of the people and on his motion the defendant being in custody was
brought into court by the Sheriff and being furnished with a copy of the
Indictment herein against him together with a list of the jurors and
witnesses and the said defendant being arraigned upon his arraignment for
plea saith he is not guilty in manner and form as charged in the Indictment
and for trial putteth himself upon the country And thereafter came a jury to
wit: William Hardin, Robert Marshall, A.J. Atkinson, William Sowders, P.M.
Burton, Reason Hooten, W.R. Chandler, John Stevens, Lewis Fagan, John W.
Stewart, Samuel Chester, & Isaac L. Brunn good and true men who after
being impanelled and sworn the truth to speak upon the issue joined after
hearing the evidence and the argument of counsel and being fully advised in
the premises, retired under the care of a sworn officer and afterwards
returned into court with the following verdict to wit: We the jury find the
defendant Walter Bosley guilty of Manslaughter and sentence him to serve in
the Penitentiary for the term of eight years. It is therefore ordered by the
court that the said defendant Walter Bosley be conveyed by the sheriff of
said county within the lapse of six days after the adjournment of court to
the warden of the Penitentiary of said state at Alton and there to remain and
serve in said Penitentiary for the term of eight years Twenty four hours of
which time to be placed in solitary confinement the residue at hard labor.
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