Thursday, June 22, 2017


I did a Bing search and a Google search on Prairie Defender: The Murder Trials of Abraham Lincoln and came up with eight sites which are offering free copies of the book.

I didn't plan to get rich from sales of the book, but I didn't plan to have so many different people trying to steal from me, either.

I'm taking steps to have the websites shut down, but it is really a pain in the nether regions to have to deal with stuff like this. A number of other sites have already been shut down without my having to take any action.

This has happened on a small scale with other books that I've written, but never on such a large scale as with Prairie Defender. Does the fact that so many different websites have pirated your book mean that it is a good book?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Abraham Lincoln is American great American president who works for poor peoples, his life is full of struggle.

    7 Facts About Abraham Lincoln
